Edgitool is a new Australian designed and made paint and sanding tool to help you prepare and paint the hard to reach places, no matter whether you are a pro painter of a 'do-it-your-selfer'.
As a professional painter with my own business, Four Seasons Painting and Decorating, I figured there had to be a better way. That's why I invented Edgitool, a simple inexpensive and effective tool to take the pain out of the fiddly jobs to give you a finish that makes all the difference to your painting jobs.
Now I want to share this handy tool with other professional painters and the DIY handyperson
This innovative tool will save painters whatever their experience, valuable time and will result in a professional job - without removing doors, without pulling sash windows apart. You will no longer be tempted to ignore that 'final bit' because it looks 'too hard'.
A must for the tool box! The best and original tool on the market!